Tuesday, December 4, 2007

I forgot there would be homework...

In yet another effort to constantly improve myself and my writing, I am taking an online travel writing course from www.writersonlineworkships.com. The first assignment was to think of two travel articles, and I'm pretty excited about the topics I chose.

NaNoWrimo news:
November is over, so how did I do? Well, I lasted through about 2 1/2 weeks and 21,000 words. I abandoned it when life got in the way and buying Christmas presents seemed more enticing, but I know I'll be back. My characters are just stuck in limbo for awhile.

You may notice a link on the side, with pictures of photo cards. This is a link to my store on Etsy.com. Not only do I sell items at my Etsy store, but I've bought quite a few Christmas gifts from other Etsy sellers. I highly suggest you check it out!

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